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Last updated: 5 August 2021

Top 50 Travel Blogs 2016 by Market Inspector

Ladies & Gentlemen, welcome aboard the 2016 Awards for the Top Travel Blogs by Market Inspector!

Who doesn’t like to travel? From exploring different cultures, to trying different dishes, to experiencing new things, and stepping outside of our comfort zones. For some people, travelling is actually a job or part of their job. It allows us to see other countries, build lasting and valuable friendships, test our language skills, adapt to diversity, and enables us to learn more about ourselves.

For some, travelling is more than a simple holiday plan. With dedication and a strong desire for wanderlust, some people have managed to turn their passion for travelling into a successful business. They have entered the world of blogging and are now wandering the globe, either as full or part-time travellers, turning their stories on the road into a profitable a career.

Market Inspector has selected the TOP 50 Travel Blogs of 2016! We have asked each blogger how they started their travel blog journey and what travelling means to them.

Fasten your seat belts and enjoy the journey!

Top 50 travel blogs 2016

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Top 50 travel blogs

From tomato festivals in Spain to a crepe overdose in France, Bobbi always take the road less traveled and writes about it on 1FUNGRLTRAVELS. Bobbi loves strawberries, rock music and unexpected experiences. As a part-time traveller and blogger, she wants to inspire others to get out of their bubbles and step outside of their comfort zones. She aims to show readers that it is possible to travel solo and without much money.


A Bavarian Sojourn

Emma started writing A Bavarian Sojourn when she decided to live like the Vikings in Denmark. Despite the cold weather and some minor language struggles, Emma and her family found joy in being expats, and they can now be found in the land of Oktoberfest, advocating on behalf of English cuisine.

1) How did you start your travel blog? 
I started my first travel blog back in 2009 when we moved to Copenhagen to keep friends and family up to date with our new lives away from home. It took off from there really.

2) What does travelling mean to you?
Travelling is a huge part of our lives, and we have a great advantage in that living where we do we get to explore lots of new places on our doorstep!

A Lady in London

A Lady in London was founded in 2007, and in 2010  it became a full-time job for the Californian expat. She left a career in finance to explore the world of blogging and has taken over London as well as over 100 countries. A Lady in London is an award-winning travel and lifestyle blog. It is highly recommended, especially for its photography.

A Move to Morocco

Cindy - a writer, educator, and single mom - moved to Morocco and created a blog to inspire travel for personal growth, cultural understanding, and the sheer joy of discovering abundant beauty, adventure, and relationships across four continents. A Move to Morocco encourages and equips readers to forget fear and find rejuvenation in travel and/or reinvention in the expat life.

1) How did you start your travel blog? 
Since my Move to Morocco, I have shared my journey across four continents on my travel blog. Crossing the Sahara by camel caravan; dodging monkeys guarding an Indiana Jones waterfall; going Boho solo at a surf/yoga camp; climbing the staircase that inspired Hogwarts; and helping village girls stay in school. I write of firsthand experiences representing what we all crave - beauty, adventure, and relationship. From the beginning family and friends followed, but in 2015 I took my blog to the next level and gained readers by 1) attending the European Travel Bloggers Exchange 2) covering Costa Brava, Spain with tourism boards, 3) affiliating with VizEat, TripAdvisor, and 4) reaching out to other travel bloggers who advised me to use Hootsuite and HARO, which led to interviews by US News and World Report. I continue promoting cultural events - my readers are from 130 countries and many write me asking for travel tips, itineraries and expat advice. In August I’ll make another exciting move, this time to The Dominican Republic, where I’ll promote people and places in the Caribbean. Writing about what makes me happy—spreading good news-- has led to success because enthusiasm is contagious.

2) What does travelling mean to you?
Hal Thurman said, “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Travel, to me, is simply coming alive. My love for faraway lands began when I was tiny and my grandmother would fly me to Paris via her rocking chair. We’d eat lunch in sidewalk cafes - TV trays set up in front of her sofa. Though she never ventured abroad and seldom left her home in Kentucky, she was a storyteller who taught me to dream big and to believe that all things are possible. Since then I’ve traveled to over 25 countries. I’ve haggled with Turkish merchants, swooned over Russian ballet, belly danced with Moroccan coworkers, and been rocked from bed by a Costa Rican earthquake. Through it all - and particularly just doing life with friends from around the world - I’ve never felt more alive. Travel has provided personal growth, cultural understanding, and sheer joy. It has freed me to let go - especially of fear - to live a new, exciting story wherever and however I choose. Extended travel and expat living is more than rejuvenation; it’s reinvention. Travel provides clarity and confidence. It means living the life I’ve imagined.

A Nerd At Large

As the name of the blog suggests, Steph is a nerd who loves to discuss fascinating and weird museums, architectural wonders, wacky festivals, and art that she has experienced on her travels. Steph’s mission on A Nerd At a Large is to bring people with the same interests together.

1) How did you start your travel blog? 
I started A Nerd at Large, which highlights the geeky side of travel, because I felt that the way that my friends and I travel was not reflected in the media. My motivation is to tell amusing stories that highlight usual attractions and destinations that pique my interest. My friends and colleagues were often amazed by my discoveries of fascinating, offbeat things to do on my trips, and I decided to share that with the wider world. At the time I was already blogging in a professional capacity for a large travel brand, so I had the necessary technical expertise. I put a great deal of effort into honing my niche — deciding what my blog was and wasn’t about — and that is something hugely important that has paid off for me. Blogging about a subject that I am incredibly passionate and knowledgeable about has also been advantageous and satisfying.

2) What does travelling mean to you?
I have always had an intense curiosity about the world and thirst to travel. It is something for which I am hardwired. I love to experience new things, notice the subtle differences from place to place, and learn different approaches to everyday problems. Travel is enormously transformative and inspiring. I feel so strongly about it that I’ve worked in the industry my entire adult life.

Absolutely Lucy

Lucy loves festivals, laughter and of course, travelling. She left her journalism career behind to explore the world and create unforgettable memories along the way. Absolutely Lucy is where she shares all the struggles and glories about her journey, and where she tries to inspire others to start their own adventures around the world.

1) How did you start your travel blog? 
Absolutely Lucy started up as a lifestyle blog in 2013, it was a hobby alongside working as a journalist. But it was the summer of 2014 when I really started to take it seriously, went self-hosted and relaunched it as a travel, festivals and lifestyle blog just six months before setting off to travel the world solo. I had always known that travelling was a real passion of mine, but that trip really showed me how travelling could become my lifestyle and how blogging was a huge part of that. Now Absolutely Lucy documents my adventures as I travel around the world solo.

2) What does travelling mean to you?
To me, travelling means freedom. Freedom from the norm, in how I want to live my life, in where I want to be and who I want to be with. Living a life away from everything I've ever known gives me a chance to be the person I really want to be, away from society's rules and the way "I should be behaving". It means escape, travelling gave me a way to escape the life I was living - the job that was running me into the ground, and the nine-year relationship that had crumbled around me. Now, travelling means adventure, it means always planning my next escapade and meeting exciting new people, always living in anticipation of what is yet to come. To me, travelling is life.

Adventures of a London Kiwi

Emma - aka London Kiwi Emma - flew all the way from New Zealand and is now based in London, where she is constantly attempting to comprehend the English lifestyle. Being chatty, Emma provides a lot to read (and laugh!) about her adventures. When not on the road or updating Adventures of a London Kiwi, Emma can be found enjoying afternoon tea.

1) How did you start your travel blog? 
I've been blogging at Adventures of a London Kiwi since 2012, when having decided that we had unconsciously lapsed into a commute/work/home complacency, we weren't exploring our surroundings to the full potential.

2) What does travelling mean to you?
Travel is a means of experiencing other worlds, cultures and histories outside of my own four walls. It's also the best excuse for sipping amazing coffee in sun dappled streets!


Beyond Blighty

Despite holding a blackbelt in taekwondo and obtaining her divemaster certification in Komodo - one of the world’s most challenging locations - Arianwen still hasn’t overcome her fear of heights. As the years pass by, she is becoming increasingly aware that life is too short to pass up on interesting opportunities, and thankfully she can share those on her blog.

1) How did you start your travel blog? 
I started my blog four years ago because I was about to set off on my first long-term backpacking trip and I wanted a place to document my experiences. I also hoped I'd someday be able to steer my career from scientific publishing to travel journalism. I was lucky. I met a professional travel blogger in Spain while volunteering and she introduced to me to other bloggers based in London. Networking is vital if you want to build a successful travel blog, but it's also the connections you form with other bloggers that really inspire you to keep working hard.

2) What does travelling mean to you?
To me, travelling is about leaving your comfort zone and exploring as much as you possibly can. It means never saying no to new experiences and going out of your way to meet and talk to as many different people as possible. For me, travel is as much about developing my self-confidence, independence and understanding as it is seeking out fun and enjoyable opportunities.

British Travel Blog

Charlene - a born and bred Brit - started British Travel Blog to explore the gems of her own homeland. Charlene believes that there is much more to discover in the UK than many might think, so she encourages people to explore beautiful Britain and its quirky villages, natural beauty, and stunning scenery.


Chérie City


Translated as 'darling' in French, Chérie City is all about discovering the amazing things that make anyone fall in love with a city. The blog is an independent guide to the coolest events in both London and in Europe. Chérie City is written by travel addict Neily, who left Newcastle to become a London-based freelance journalist. She also gives personal recommendations on new design talent, café culture, and boutique hotels, all while travelling on a budget.

City Of The Week

Adrienn started City of the Week without knowing what blogging really meant, but with an aim to write about cities around the world, their architecture, smell, and general details about her travels. Her love for nature changed the perspective of the blog, and she now writes about nature, adventure, exploring, sightseeing, snorkelling, and hiking – all on a tight budget.

1) How did you start your travel blog? 
I started blogging more than 5 years ago, during university, with the aim of documenting my travels. It was much more of a collection of stories and photos for myself, my friends and my family in the beginning. I slowly started to grow a readership, which is not a huge one until this day, but a loyal one nevertheless. I also started interacting with other bloggers and found that one can actually make money out of it. However, I choose to not monetize, because I wanted to keep the easy-going tone and the subjective manner of my posts, free of sponsorship ties. I have since started working as a freelance travel writer and I consider my blog the biggest reference which helps me score jobs and projects.

2) What does travelling mean to you?
Travelling first of all means freedom, excitement and adventure. I rarely embark on adventures which include rest and relaxation. My travels generally consist of exploring the destination through sightseeing, hiking (whenever possible) and almost always trying out something new such as extreme sports. I am still working on the habit of trying out various food from different cultures, but travelling definitely opens the door to these kind of opportunities and much more!

Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler

Alexandra - from Slovakia - is the founder of Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler, a blog that is about crazy travels, fun adventures and sexy photos. Alex shares tips about hiking, beaches, snorkeling, spas and much more.

1) How did you start your travel blog?
I used to work as a flight attendant in Italy but suffered from insomnia so was wondering what I can do instead of watching movies. Something more beneficial. So one morning at 4am the idea of travel blog came to my mind. I was traveling at that time pretty much every week so it seems logical to me to write about my experience and thus help other travelers to plan their trips easier. It was the same morning when I decided I could and would make living out of my travel blog as traveling has always been my biggest passion. As you can see, I did follow my dream!

2) What does travelling mean to you?
Travelling makes me a better person. It opens my eyes, it teaches me more patience and makes me more grateful of everything I have. There are so many poor people around the world yet so happy and thankful for each simple detail which makes me learn from them and enjoy every day to maximum. Travel teaches me to appreciate my life even more, to be flexible, to go with the flow when necessary, to realize every person I meet and every situation I have to go through is here to move me forward, to show me something, maybe good, maybe bad, but always something I should learn from. Travelling gives me freedom I cannot live without.


Eff It I am on Holiday

Eff It I’m On Holiday started in December 2013, when Vlad decided he wanted a place to share his travel photos. The blog ended up catching the attention of travelers worldwide, inspiring others to travel too. Vlad gets help from Paul - the panda & food lover- who makes sure delicious dishes and restaurants are covered in the posts. On top of that, you can find reviews, travel advice, personal stories and a great guide about Romania. 

1) How did you start your travel blog? 
When I started Eff It I’m On Holiday, I was only looking for a place to share my travel photos, but I soon realized I have missed writing. Sharing travel stories and connecting with other like minded travelers is a lot more fun than just uploading a photo and forgetting about it. Since then, almost three years ago, a lot of things have changed, new themes, new servers, new collaborations, but the content has stayed the same. It was always going to be my stories and my photographs, rather than a place with general travel information.

2) What does travelling mean to you?
Travelling is everything for me. While some people paint, take dancing lessons or play instruments, I travel. Travel and photograph my journey around the world. It’s my way of escaping the daily routine, but also to learn about new places and new cultures. Ever since my first trip abroad, I was hooked and got more and more curious about the world. While travelling teaches you a lot about the world, it teaches a lot about yourself as well, who you are, what you like and don’t like, what are your strengths and weaknesses, as it will undoubtedly push you outside of your comfort zone.

Emily Luxton

Emily Luxton loves writing, photography, Lindt chocolate  and Colombia. Inspired by a travel book as a birthday gift from one of her closest friends, Emily embraced the challenge and took off into the world of travel blogging, but she wants more than a simple collection of trips. Her mission: get to know the world, eat good food, enjoy a bit of luxury and share it with her readers. 

English Mum

English Mum was created by Becky - a wine and travel loving mum from Buckinghamshire. Ask her anything about Disney and she will promptly and gladly answer. The English Mum shares yummy recipes, financial tips for exploring the world, trendy resorts, as well as stories about her trips with her husband and two teenage boys.

1) How did you start your travel blog? 
I started English Mum in 2006 after we'd moved to Dublin for my husband's job. I was pretty lonely and it gave me an outlet as well as an easy way to communicate with family and friends and tell them about new life. It began to become a lot more, I made friends, started to get readers and enjoyed receiving comments and being part of a community. In 2009 Disney, the first company to work with bloggers really, invited me on a trip to Walt Disney World with six other bloggers and after that it really began to change. I moved back home soon after the trip and my readership really started to increase, and with that my opportunities to travel. I've never looked back!

2) What does travelling mean to you?
Travelling means everything to me. I've done six trips already this year and, although at times I long to be at home, I start to get itchy feet again very shortly. For me, it's time spent with family and friends (both old friends and embracing the opportunity to make new ones), it's adventure and discovery and it keeps me alive and sane! It's about spending your time building memories and creating snapshots in your mind to replay whenever you like. I'd rather spend money on travel than on anything else.

Enjoy the Journey

It all started with two young souls from Yorkshire who met at Leeds University. Looking to find adventures around the globe, Gaz and Beth withdrew the money they were saving and took off to the unknown. Throughout their journey, they have not only learned how to surf and dive, but also learned a lot about themselves.


Family Travel Times

One of the few blogs of its kind in the blogging world, Family Travel Times is a whole family blog, created by a family, for families. Content is not only written by the parents, Sarah and Brian, but the children, Jess and Robert, are also active on the blog. Whenever Sarah Ebner’s family is on the road, they are online too, sharing their travel stories from everyone’s point of view.

1) How did you start your travel blog? 
We love travelling as a family and, as I'm a journalist, I love writing too. My kids also enjoy writing and,being 21st century children, they are very technical too. So, it seemed a good idea to put all this together in our very own travel blog. We realised that there were hardly any travel blogs which featured the children's own thoughts, whether that was in written or video form, and that's one of the things which people seem to really like. It's lovely to do something as a whole family.

2) What does travelling mean to you?
Travelling means enjoyment, fun, learning, history and spending time together as a family. It's very special.

Five Adventurers

Five Adventurers is a family travel blog, which was created to document the travels of a British family of 5 living in the North of England. A nomad at heart, Nishab - the mom and writer -  shares great ideas for days off, travel inspiration, and tips on how to travel with little adventurers.


Girl About the Globe

Girl about the Globe is the best travel resource website that is dedicated to solo female travellers. Lisa - a travel journalist - has been travelling for the last 19 years and has reached the impressive goal of visiting 100 countries- over 60 of these being solo. Girl about the Globe is about encouraging and empowering women to travel solo and provide valuable tips, guides and sustainable travel advice. 

1) How did you start your travel blog? 
My blog started out as a way of documenting my travels when I separated from my ex-husband. I was due to travel to South Africa the following day and starting a travel blog was the final task on my to do list. Little did I know that 4 years later, it would have grown so much. It began as a way of writing my travel stories and is now my platform for encouraging other women to travel solo.

2) What does travelling mean to you?
I have been lucky enough to have travelled to 101 countries and 63 of these solo. Travelling to me isn’t just about seeing places or learning about different cultures around the world. It is a way of personal transformation and each trip I take teaches me more about myself, as well as about the world. Travelling solo challenges me and keeps me humble. It’s a privilege to be able to travel and we should see it as this. The more I travel, the more I realise that deep down everyone is the same. It is just our environment and culture with differentiates us.

Global Grasshopper

Global Grasshopper is an award winning global magazine and resource for independent travellers run by the UK-based duo, Becky and Gray. Global Grasshopper covers travel guides, photography, and provide tips for those wishing to start their own travel blogs.


Hippie in Heels

Hippie in Heels is a blog by American Rachel Jones, who is now based in India. Rachel writes about places she has been, beauty travel products, packing and health. She knew she wanted more in life than pursuing a career in nursing, and has since taken off on an adventure and has never looked back.

1) How did you start your travel blog? 
I started my blog on a whim, not knowing what Wordpress was or even having read a travel blog. I wanted to share my knowledge on India with people.

2) What does travelling mean to you?
Traveling is the best way to learn about the world. I love to take walking tours in a city to learn about the history first hand- you also remember it better that way.


Inside the Travel Lab

Not many would leave a doctor career behind, but Abi made that decision. She is now the writer and photographer behind Inside The Travel Lab blog, a beautiful page with tips from Christmas markets to business class reviews. Definitely a must-read.

1) How did you start your travel blog?
I had a childhood dream to “be a writer” and so, for me, my blog began as a place where I could practice my writing. To be fair, I had plenty of other childhood dreams, one of which was to work as a doctor. Another was to travel to every country in the world. So, as my 30th birthday approached and I realised that two out of those three were falling off my radar, I decided to switch from medicine and try to give writing a go before I ran out of time!
My blog allowed me to develop my writing – and as I wrote, I found people who liked what I said. The writing led to the photography which led to video, which led to TV hosting and speaking and…well, the social media landscape of today.

2) What does travelling mean to you?
Travel, to me, means to explore the earth that we all share. To see the beauty that mankind can create, the mistakes and triumphs of history, and to see that very often our rules about “how things should be” are just constructs of where we grew up, nothing more.


Leave Your Daily Hell

One of the most popular travel blogs that also has incredible photography, Leave Your Daily Hell is a page where you can read about the continuous journey of Robert, an American who decided to break free from the monotony of everyday life to see the world and start living. If you want to get inspired and start planning your next trip, check out his blog.

1) How did you start your travel blog? 
When I first started Leave Your Daily Hell, in late 2009, it wasn't really a travel blog. I'd been living in China and, due to Chinese government restrictions on social media, needed a way to Facebook without Facebook. Months later, when I left China and started traveling, I began using my blog to document my journey.

2) What does travelling mean to you?
That's an interesting question to ask me today, of all days. Traditionally, I've always seen travel as a triumphant sort of thing, the epitome of freedom. I'm actually leaving on my next trip in a few hours—to Malaysia—but just minutes ago, I said goodbye to my partner, who has been living with me the past couple of months. As excited as I am about my trip, I somehow feel defeated, like a bird trying to fly with only one wing. But I do know that my trip will clarify my feelings, so that's what I'd say travel is to me: Clarity.

Legal Nomads

In 2008, Jodi Ettenberg quit her job as a lawyer and took off to travel for what she thought would be a year. From that moment on, she started writing about her worldwide experiences and found a passion for noodles. Almost 7 years later, Legal Nomads remains a place to tell stories about different cultures and trips, along with beautiful photography.

Luxury Columnist

Luxury Columnist is a luxury lifestyle and travel blog created by Suze, who is on a mission to help everyone experience a little luxury in their lives. Luxury Columnist is a place to get inspired - from London Fashion Week to top restaurants in Paris, you can find the latest luxury trends, as well as beauty and interior design tips.

1) How did you start your travel blog? 
I started my blog as friends were always asking me for travel tips and I had quite a few that I wanted to share! I was also inspired by my English teacher who encouraged me to write, and I've been a fan of photography ever since meeting Robert Doisneau, the famous French photographer.

2) What does travelling mean to you?
Travelling, to me, is all about meeting new people and discovering new cultures. I like to be constantly learning and when you travel you can't help but find out new things about others and about yourself too.


Mallory On Travel

Mallory is an ex-rugby player and Blackpool fanatic who is passionate about photography and orcas, and who has found joy in sharing his adventures. On top of trekking, climbing and rafting, Mallory is craving a season of storm chasing. If you run into him on your travels, buy him a Guinness and you have gained a friend and a ticket to some great travel stories.

1) How did you start your travel blog? 
As an ex-military adventure training instructor I enjoyed many adventures around the world, climbing, skiing, kayaking and diving. This is where my wanderlust was initially fuelled. After a short stint running a Cheshire pub, I decided to travel independently publishing a journal recording my travels for friends via a third party website. My posts proved quite popular with other users however, so I decided to give it a try full time. The rest is history as they say.

2) What does travelling mean to you?
Travel offers the opportunity of adventure in all it's myriad of forms, not just climbing big mountains or jumping out of planes but cultural adventure or new experiences. It is a chance to understand and learn from other cultures, experience amazing events, and encounter incredible wild life. Every time I travel is a privilege, and I hope to continue chasing horizons for many years to come.

Mums do Travel

Gretta is a freelance journalist and blogger. She is an expert in family travelling and has contributed to the Financial Times, the Guardian, National Geographic Traveller, among others. As the blog name suggests, Gretta believes that it is possible to have both relaxing and fun adventures, even after parenthood.

1) How did you start your travel blog? 
I started my travel blog in 2012 when I was working as a freelance journalist. People kept asking me if I had a blog, and then I met a blogger at a writing group and she told me how to get started. Initially I used the blog almost as a portfolio to show my published features, but it soon became the main focus for my work.

2) What does travelling mean to you?
I love travelling both in the UK and abroad as a way to learn about the world, our history and diverse cultures. I think that travelling helps us to appreciate what we have at home and to look at our own countries with fresh eyes. I enjoy travelling with my family and exploring new places with my kids.


Need Another Holiday

Ever since Clare’s hair went green from spending too much time underwater in Ibiza, she became obsessed with travelling. On top of writing about travelling destinations, Need Another Holiday blog discusses the life of a Liverpool and wanderlust mom.

Never Ending Footsteps

Like many others, Lauren decided to quit her job, sell everything, and leave the UK for what was supposed to be a year-long trip around the world. That was 5 years ago, and now the Lauren that used to suffer from debilitating anxiety and who had few life experiences has already been to over 60 countries and is continuing her travels around the globe. Her attractive blog offers great tips, with both fun and disastrous stories about how travelling has changed her life.

No Place to Be

Poi and Kirsty bought one-way tickets to China, and that is how it all began. After travelling to many countries, falling in love with Thailand, and skiing in the Austrian alps, they now found a new place to call home - Bulgaria. They are always continuing their journey around the world to try new things and have fun along the way. 


One Step 4Ward

Calling himself a lifestyle designer, John believes that no one needs to be rich, win the lottery, or rob a bank to live the life they want. Now with more than 150 countries on his back, he is a full-time traveller on a journey to travel to every country in the world. If you are looking for tips to start your own travelling career, have a look at his great tips.

1) How did you start your travel blog? 
I had been traveling and teaching English across Asia for 3 years and had noticed a few travel blogs pop up, back in 2009 this wasn't so common. I figured that my crazy stories were a match for anyone's so I wanted to use my blog as a platform to show the world that you don't have to live the life society tells us, so in 2009 I did just that, and I'm still going strong today!

2) What does travelling mean to you?
It's the freedom I love. The freedom to explore new countries, other cultures, to try new foods, to learn about new religions. The fast paced relationships, and mistakes, and injuries. I feel like I'm living my life every single day, and I love it.


Packing my Suitcase

Packing My Suitcase is about Allane’s travels around the world, the lessons that came along with her numerous passport stamps, and her life in Munich, Germany. This brazilian expat is a lists’ freak that is passionate about Formula 1 and diving. When not struggling to speak German, she is out travelling with her dog and husband.

1) How did you start your travel blog? 
I used to work with Marketing and PR and did some work with bloggers, it was when I had the idea of starting out my own blog. The topic I didn’t need to think twice, traveling has always been my passion and since I have lived in different countries and traveled to many others, I thought “why not?” I have a lot to share. It was in April 2014 that Packing my Suitcase was founded and a few months later it became my full-time job.

2) What does travelling mean to you?
To me, traveling is my life. It’s learning and living, it’s discovering and wanting more. The world is huge and there are so many places waiting to be discovered, so many cultures and people from which you can learn from and share a little bit of you. Traveling is incredible!

Pommie Travels


Rainy Manchester was the last drop for Broadcast Journalism graduate & sushi lover Victoria, aka Pommie. She knew she wanted more. She embarked on a journey around Australia and hasn’t stopped ever since. Pommie Travels aims to motivate others to travel and offers backpacking tips for a very tight budget.

1) How did you start your travel blog? 
When I left university in 2008 I wasn't quite sure what direction to take so I saved up to go travelling solo for 6 weeks around Australia. I had a brilliant time and did so many incredible things but I soon realised I'd caught the travel bug and wanted to see more of the world. I met my boyfriend at the time who was a web designer and he told me about people who were making money from blogging, so he helped me set up my site on Wordpress. We moved to Bali for a while where I started blogging regularly and teaching myself all the technical side of things like SEO and graphic design. I started networking with other bloggers and things just took off from there.

2) What does travelling mean to you?
Travelling is my main passion and also my career now. I love stepping onto a plane knowing that anything could happen. One single moment could change my life. The more you get out there and experience the world, the more you discover about yourself. You learn to be independent and how to communicate with other people. For me, travelling is about getting out of my comfort zone and essentially creating incredible memories. You can't take money or possessions with you when you die, so the only real things you have are moments and people.


She Gets Around

Assumed as the dating queen of cultures, Jen decided to leave her job behind in 2015 to explore the world and share stories from across the globe. On her blog, you can find posts from best things to do in Gdansk to dating tips.

1) How did you start your travel blog? 
I started my travel blog 5 years ago when I left to travel across Asia for 9 months. It started as a way to keep in touch with family and friends and has grown into something read by many more than just those I know. I love chronicling my adventures and sharing funny stories and tips with my readers.

2) What does travelling mean to you?
Travelling to me is about living. I get itchy feet when I haven't moved locations for a few days, whether it is to a new town, new country or new continent I honestly can't imagine my life without travel. I travel to meet new people, to gather new experiences and to gain stories that are far more important to me than a posh car and lots of money in the bank.

SilverSpoon London

If you are interested in luxury travel and nice meals while in London or abroad, SilverSpoon London is a must-read. Angie is a foodie that writes about her favourite restaurants as well as cool and inspiring global destinations. SilverSpoon London is also a lifestyle blog, where beauty and wedding tips can be found, in addition to the amazing photography.

1) How did you start your travel blog? 
It was sort of by accident, I started a freelance events business and I added a blog to the website. I soon found that I loved writing the blog and I wanted to turn it into something personal and do it as a hobby. First came choosing the name and as I was about to get married to my ‘Mr Silver,’ I brainstormed blog names around that. Coming up with SilverSpoon was a bit of a eureka moment, the name said everything that I wanted it to and encompassed all the topics that I want to write about. I wanted to focus on my passions and those are food and luxury travel, there’s a bit of lifestyle in there too but I only write about things I really love. Focussing on your passions really comes out in your writing and the blog began to grow quickly and soon it became so much more than a hobby and turned into a small business. Even though it’s now my job, I love everything about writing a blog, from the writing itself to the photography, meeting new people all the time and exploring new places.

2) What does travelling mean to you?
It’s safe to say that I’m pretty obsessed with travelling and exploring new places. I love having those unique experiences that you can try in different countries and those are what I’ll always seek out. I want to try something that I could never experience at home in the UK and make those incredible memories. Food is also really important to me while travelling, sampling local cuisine as well as the high end restaurants is something that’s always on my Agenda.


Taylor Hearts Travel

When mama Char Taylor is not travelling, she is based in Northamptonshire (in the UK) and writing for her blog. Taylor Hearts Travel is a blog that redefines family travelling by providing tips on stylish and exciting yet affordable luxury travels with a baby.

1) How did you start your travel blog? 
I started my travel blog in a spontaneous moment after returning from a trip to Peru. I've travelled all over the world, but something about that particular adventure inspired me to start a blog. I started on a free Wordpress site and soon transferred over to a self-hosted site, learning the technical side along the way.I've always been the go-to for travel advice in my circle of friends, so I thought it'd be great to share it with others too. Plus, I've always enjoyed writing so I thought it'd be a low-cost, fun way to give travel blogging a go. It kind of grew from there and it's now like a second job that I absolutely love!

2) What does travelling mean to you?
Travelling is a way of life, not just for me, but for my family. I'm a new mama, so travelling means even more to me than before. It's a way of indulging my adventurous spirit and an opportunity to teach my son Nova all about the world, whilst creating incredible memories. Travelling is an outlet; a form of escapism and a big dose of realism all in one. It's a huge passion of mine and to be honest, means everything to me. It's a massive privilege to explore the world, both near and far. The fact that I get to share it with Nova and fellow travellers who read my blog is amazing.

Team Nomad

Steve & Becky decided on a Sunday in February 2014 that they needed something more and it couldn’t wait any longer, as their “YOLO” days were running out. Fortunately, they succeeded in their experiment of a year around the world, which led them to continuous adventures. Team Nomad is a blog full of honest advice about places around the globe, volunteer opportunities, and tips on how not to break the bank while you travel. 

1) How did you start your travel blog? 
If you have ever been to Warrington, you will probably know there isn’t that much to see or do once you’ve lived there a few years. We both dreamt of travelling the world, but never thought this dream could become a reality until it actually did. Before our adventure, we were both quite restless in our lives. Like most people, we wanted more. Unlike most people, we chose to do something about it. So, we bravely quit our jobs as a chartered accountant and teacher, booked some plane tickets and we haven’t looked back since.

2) What does travelling mean to you?
Now, instead of working in a stuffy office, we can work our way around the globe, seeing and trying new experiences every single day – and we could not be happier. Travelling hasn’t just changed the way we view the world and opened us up to a new world of experiences, but has provided us with a unique chance to spend every day together, side by side, allowing us soak up each minute as a couple. Both of our parents have worked hard their whole lives, meaning they were apart most days. Our lives don’t have to be boring or stressful. We are not restricted to a pile of bills or obligations. We are free, with only the open road in front of us, and we could not be happier for it. We see this whole travel malarkey as some sort of big adventure, seeing if we can survive out in the big wide world on our own (well, together) and for how long. We want to have a million stories to share with our children. We want to describe the taste of Indian cuisine in all its glory, or describe, in detail, just how long, worn and wonderful the Great Wall of China really is.

That Adventurer

After climbing Mount Vesuvius at  the age of 6, Hannah became a complete travel nut and her “fever” has never faded away. Her fearlessness and willingness to search for continuous adventure has led her to flying a plane and try out mountain biking. That Adventurer is a blog aiming to inspire people to try something new (food included!) and get out there to see the world.

1) How did you start your travel blog? 
I started my travel blog after I graduated in 2013. I was planning to spend three months travelling around South America and set up That Adventurer as a way of documenting my travels and sharing them with family and friends at home. I found I really enjoyed doing it and kept it up when I returned. Three years later and I still love it!

2) What does travelling mean to you?
I just love travelling and always have to have a trip lined up! I love exploring the food, the culture and picking up words in a new language. Travelling has boosted my self confidence - you never really know what you're capbale of until you get into difficulty in an unknown country where you don't speak the language and have to sort things out though a mixture of charades and a couple of words you do know!

The Cosy Traveller

Emily is a 24-year-old London-based travel blogger and full-time writer that constantly seeks comfort, hence the name of the blog. A typical British tea and cat lover, she covers diverse topics in her blog The Cosy Traveller, from luxurious beds and warm showers, to train rides and competitions around the globe.

1) How did you start your travel blog? 
I started my travel blog back in 2012, after a flurry of travel during my summer university break. It was initially set up as a way for me to build up a travel writing portfolio, but as I qualified as a journalist and entered full-time employment, my blog became a lot more than that for me! It was a chance for me to let my creative juices flow, inspire others to travel (while still holding down a 9-5 job!), and document all my wonderful travels. Even now, four years on, I still get tingly thinking about the excitement of travel and how I can convey that to my readers!

2) What does travelling mean to you?
Travelling has helped me in so many areas of my life, that is has quite simply become a necessity for me now! Back in 2012 I was recovering from depression and an anxiety disorder, and travel helped me realise that there were incredible, magical things to see all over the globe. Nowadays, travel is my absolute passion, and nothing feels my heart with as much excitement and thrills as the idea of hopping on a plane, train or boat to visit a new part of the world (with my Yorkshire Tea teabags and a comfy pillow in my bag, naturally).

The Epic Adventurer

Julia Hudson is a travel writer and marketing pro, based outside London. The Epic Adventurer is a special travel blog, where the posts are focused on independent, sustainable, and culturally-sensitive travel. Julia is also a regular contributor to Virgin and writes about budgeting tips, travel apps and her memories on the road.

The Tinberry Travels

Kirstin shares travel stories and reviews, from exploring caves in Australia to horse farms in Iceland. The Tinberry Travels also covers other topics, such as nature and conservation, and even film.

1) How did you start your travel blog? 
In 2010 I decided to take a year off to go travelling and as I couldn’t stay in touch with everyone, I started my blog simply as a way of keeping friends and family up to date with all the exciting things I was doing. Being in Australia with such a big time difference, the blog made it easy to share my experiences and with all those back at home. After that first adventure, I had caught the travel (and the blogging) bug so I continued to share my stories of travel abroad alongside local trips and days out from my home in Glasgow. I’ve continued to build an audience and become part of the online travel community, hopefully inspiring others to travel as they have inspired me.

2) What does travelling mean to you?
For me travel is not just about seeing a new part of the world but experiencing new cultures and often expanding my horizons through learning. Travel can mean taking yourself to the other side of the globe and immersing yourself in something completely different or simply finding great places to visit close to home – it’s all about perspective. I love to explore and seek out new places and try things I’ve never done before. Travel is my passion and through it I’ll never stop learning, or gaining new insights into our world. Standing still, means you’ve stopped growing as a person so I intend to keep travelling for as long as I can.

Travel Dave

Dave Brett, born and raised in London, has travelled to over 86 countries, and studied, worked and lived in another 6 countries. He is the face behind Travel Dave, a valuable resource for travellers seeking to explore the world on a budget. He started his journey as a solo traveller at the age of 15, and hasn’t stopped ever since.

1) How did you start your travel blog? 
It was 2005 and phone calls home used to cost a fortune abroad. My Mum was not happy that she couldn't hear from me every day to check in if I was ok on my travels. I was 15 and had to come across a far more affordable communication option to keep my mum up to date. We agreed that if I created a daily Travel blog, then that was ok and I could travel to Finland. That's how Travel Dave was born and the rest was history.

2) What does travelling mean to you?
Travel is the greatest gift I've been able to discover. To go on adventures and to meet cultures from all corners of the world is the best education you can possibly receive

Travel on Inspiration

Essex football fan and nerd, Jason finished his Masters in Building Services and Renewable Energy Engineering and now finally has more time to travel. His blog Travel On Inspiration was born to inspire others to see and experience more. Jason can’t wait to embark on new adventures, this time as a new dad.

1) How did you start your travel blog? 
I started my travel blog, Travel on Inspiration, way back in 2012 ( I can't believe it has been 4 years already). Working full time and attending university one day a week, I found myself with very little free time and I tended to stay home alot. Like most people I would read travel blogs online and daydream about all the exotic far-flung destinations I could visit. So I decided to start my own blog as a way of inspiring myself and others to travel more. In the last 4 years my girlfriend Sarah and I have visited a variety of different countries, right up until we started a new life adventure, having a baby. Oscar is now 7 months old and we can't wait until he is a little bit older so we can begin travelling as a family.

2) What does travelling mean to you?
To me, travelling is a means of escape. At times we all get bored with our day to day lives and travelling is the perfect cure. Some people need to take a year or two, some like to get away for a few months and some may only be able to travel for a weekend. The important thing is travelling, even for a few days, can help us to refresh, experience new adventures and learn more about other cultures.

Travelling Buzz

Maria - a freelance content creator - and Krasi - the tech guy and photographer - are a couple from Sofia, Bulgaria. Despite not having children yet, they have given birth to The Travelling Buzz, a travel blog offering expert advice on budget travel around Europe. If you are planning to stop in Bulgaria, you should check out their blog to get some top tips from locals.

1) How did you start your travel blog? 
I started blogging more than 2 years ago and it has been the best thing I’ve ever done. My main goal was to help others with my experience, mistakes, tips and ideas about travelling. When I see thepositive feedback from people whom I’ve helped with my blog posts, the passion to write more and more useful and practical articles increases. And that is what drives me to continue.
If you want to share your travel adventures in a blog, go for it. Try to help others with your ideas and experiences and you will find yourself

2) What does travelling mean to you?
Travelling, for me, is learning. Learning about others, about yourself, about life. Travelling is the best education one can have. It broadens up your mind, helps you realize where you are in the world, what you are capable of, what and who matters. Travelling also helps you realize that everything is possible.

Travelling For Fun

Travelling for Fun covers information based on Ross’ personal experience helping other travellers make the most of their time while abroad. Ross is an engineer in Ireland who has volcanoed, ducked, bungeed and learned a lot from his travels. His blog aims to inspire others to do the same. 

1) How did you start your travel blog? 
I started blogging because when I travelled a lot I felt that there was some important information missing. It used to frustrate me that in certain places I didn't know the information beforehand. Plus it was a good way for me to relieve my travelling by writing about it when I got home!

2) What does travelling mean to you?
Travelling is a sense of relief, of adventure. It is a way to expand knowledge but in a fun way. You get an appreciation of how lucky we are in the west when you see how poor people are in other places. You see how they are happier than we are despite the hardship they go through Also what could be better than seeing exotic animals and unbelievable wonders of nature when not in work!

Two World Wanderers

After a trip around Thailand, Kyra & Dan quit their jobs and decided to embark on a trip around the world. They are currently still on their journey and have already been wandering the globe for over 500 days. Their goal is to visit all the “New 7 Wonders of the World” and some of the “New 7 Wonders of Nature”.

1) How did you start your travel blog?
My boyfriend and I started our travel blog on a free platform as a way of sharing our experiences with friends and family. It started as something personal and something small. The more we travelled, the more our blog grew. We started to share our blog with fellow travelers we met on the road and strangers through social media. The more we shared, and the more feedback we got, and the more we started to grasp the impact our blog could have. (People actually read what we were sharing!) Part way through our trip, we upgraded to a paid platform where we had more ability to edit and tweak the website. To us, it was an amazing way of sharing our stories, photos, and life with others as well as an exciting new learning experience (learning basic code/website design) to keep our minds in check while we travelled.

2) What does travelling mean to you?
Travelling is everything to me. It’s something to crave and yearn towards; it’s something to look forward to and dream about; it’s a learning experience, a character test. Travelling is a way to test your boundaries and never look back; it's inevitably going to push you to new limits, introduce you to foreign experiences, broaden your view on the world, better your understanding of the complexity of mankind, open your eyes, fill your heart and change you forever. It's as simple as that, travel will change you – and it’s amazing: embrace it.


Vicky Flipflop Travels

The colourful and engaging Vicky FlipFlop blog Travels started as a place for the festivaholic and traveller Vicky to practice the technical work of being a Content Editor, but as time passed, she realized that the world of blogging + travelling was the perfect career for her.

1) How did you start your travel blog?
I started my travel blog because I'd started reading so many others and decided that I'd like to give it a go too. There was nothing really out there that fulfilled exactly what I wanted to read so I thought I'd fill the gap. That was over four years ago now. I thank myself repeatedly for that day!

2) What does traveling mean to you?
Travelling means everything to me. It's my hobby, passion and income. I love that I get to travel the world, meet people from all over and learn so much about different ways of life. I'm a naturally nosey person so getting to know about different walks of life is definitely my favourite aspect. I also love the fact I don't know what's going to happen every day. So exciting.

Victoria Visits

On Victoria Visits, the poetry writer and photography enthusiast Victoria shares her tips, opinions as well as some anecdotes of the places she visits alone or with her family.

1) How did you start your travel blog?
I started just over a year and a half ago as I have always loved to travel and experience new adventures. For a while, due to personal circumstances, this took a backseat but I am pleased to say that, following a fantastic trip to Northern Ireland, I am most definitely back in the travel seat!

2) What does travelling mean to you?
It means that I am living my life to the full. It is too short to sit and let the world go by without actually seeing it as well! I love anything that piques my interest - whether it be a day out a 10 mile drive from home or a 2 week long break a 10 hour flight away.



Charli is the one behind the exceptionally well designed travel blog Wanderlusters. It all started five years ago, thanks to a fellow wanderluster that gave her the push to quit her job, sell most of her possessions, and embark on a journey without much planning. This digital nomad provides great tips, pictures and stories about her travels around the globe.

1) How did you start your travel blog?
After 12 months of Gap Year travel I was reluctant to return to my reality back in London and so having taken inspiration from travel blogs whilst planning my adventure, I set out to start my own. Like a lot of bloggers I dreamt that one day my blog would have a large following, but I had no idea how I would monetise it, or if earning an income was even a possibility at that stage. The first six months were spent on my laptop seven days a week. I invested so much time and energy not only into building my platform, but in educating myself on the basics of web design, social media management, copywriting, and editing. As a blogger you have to wear multiple hats at once, and until I started I’d no experience in any of the fields in which I work today.

2) What does travelling mean to you?
To me travelling defines the act of going on an adventure. Whether you travel from one village to the next, or from one country to another, you’re exploring a path you’ve never taken before, and for me that is exciting.

Wild World Travel

Claire is a behavioural ecologist, wildlife lover, writer and photographer. The Wild Travel is a lovely place where she can share her stories and pictures of wild encounters, as well as inspire other travelers to travel sustainably.

1) How did you start your travel blog?
My travel blog began initially as a means of communication, more than anything else - a way to keep my friends and family up-to-date on all my adventures. The more I wrote about my travel, the more I found I enjoyed it, and other people seemed to like reading my travel tales, so I kept writing. Since then my blog has developed a lot, and I now focus a lot more of my content towards other travellers looking for tips and advice. But I still write my travel tales, when I have time!

2) What does travelling mean to you?
To me, travelling is an opportunity to explore, and to see first hand the incredible wildlife and rich cultures across the World. As a biologist, it is a chance to see some of the most interesting and unique animals and plants, and perhaps witness ecosystems that may soon be lost forever. Exploring these wildernesses refreshes my passion for my other job - science writing, and reinvigorates me to take action to protect the World’s biodiversity. Hopefully, my travel blog is a way to share that enthusiasm with other travellers and inspire them to travel and live more sustainably.

See You Next Year!

On behalf of the entire crew at Market Inspector, we would like to thank all the bloggers that were willing to take part in this project by sharing their wonderful stories. We hope this inspires you to start exploring the world and we look forward to seeing you on board again in the near future.

Happy travelling!

Image design by Raqstemac